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 Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf

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Registration date : 2008-07-29

Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf Empty
PostSubject: Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf   Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf EmptySun Nov 23, 2008 12:23 am

Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf News_664 “We Are Determined to Effect a Change in the Lives of Our Women”, Edith Gongloe-Weh on Behalf of Prez Sirleaf
By: Gardea V. Woodson
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says she remains committed to giving Liberian women of all backgrounds equal opportunities to succeed and to serve their country. The President said since her election in 2005, she has appointed women as cabinet ministers, deputy ministers, and leaders of other high profile positions in government, pointing out that “we are determined to effect a change in the lives of our women”. President Sirleaf’s remarks were contained in a statement read on her behalf by Mrs. Edith Gongloe-Weh, a political and gender equality activist, on the occasion of receiving Women’s Campaign International (WCI) Award for Inspirational Women around the Globe held on Thursday, November 20th at the New York Metropolitan Club in Manhattan, New York city.
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Number of posts : 1605
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Registration date : 2008-04-03

Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf Empty
PostSubject: Re: Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf   Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf EmptySun Nov 23, 2008 4:03 am

Good job Edith....
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Edith Gongloe-Weh Meets the Clintons on Behalf of PreZ Sirleaf
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